I used on this chair empty tealight foil/metal, piece of wooden stick and a circle piece of balsa. Red fabric is imitation leather wich works very nice in these kind of mini-works. :)
Laitteisiin sain myös vihdoin nappulat paikoilleen:
Ja sitten hieman tavallisista aiheista poikkeavaan juttuun, nimittäin minulla on onni päästä tälle todennäköisesti aivan mahtavalle keikalle! :)
I feel very very lucky because in next summer I will go to see this concert! I can't wait to July when the big day is. This is my firt time when I will actually see at live my biggest idol... :)
Odottavan aika on vain kamalan pitkä, h-hetki on vasta 22. heinäkuuta...
Tiina, I love the red you are seeing!! It looks so nice! This is going to be a wonderful diner!!
VastaaPoistap.s. You should add a google translate button on your blog so we can read everything!!!! Thanks :)
Thank you Patty! I add little translations to help understanding and now there's also google translate button. :)
VastaaPoistaI must to admit that I'm little afraid to write in english 'cause I feel my grammar and everything heard so awful - that's if I believe what my english teacher always told me! :P
Greetings from http://www.the-mouse-mansion.blogspot.com/